I’m excited to be heading down to Canberra today to deliver our level 1 and 2 kettlebell certification.
I thought I’d get this email out to you quickly while I wait for the rush hour traffic to die down.
I’ve been using kettlebells in my boot camps for about 13-years, the flexibility kettlebells offer in a group fitness environment makes them a must have for any boot camp or functional training gym.
Here are 3 quick tips you can use if you’re running any type of group fitness program…
#1: K.I.S.S (Keep it simple stupid)
Unless you’re training high level athletes, follow the K.I.S.S protocol.
There’s a saying I always try to keep in mind when coaching…
“If you want to impress people then make it complicated, if you want results then keep it simple”
Some trainers try too hard to impress their clients and other trainers with complicated exercises to show off their knowledge.
Good trainers keep their exercise selection simple because they know that their clients will get better results from doing a simple exercise well, than doing a complicated exercise badly.
#2: Regressions & Progressions
Give an advanced variation of each exercise.
This allows you to challenge both your advanced and beginner clients with the same exercise.
Want to do the kettlebell swing?
Give the beginners the two handed swing and your advanced clients a one handed or alternating swing.
Same exercise, but different levels of complexity and everyone is challenged equally.
#3: Choose Regular Kettlebells Over Pro-Grade Kettlebells
If you own a gym then pro-grade kettlebells are great.
But, if you run outdoor boot camps you’ll want to use regular kettlebells.
Regular kettlebells are a fraction of the size of pro-grade kettlebells and are much easier for you to transport.
And, because regular kettlebells have larger handles they’re more flexible for two handed exercises and easier for beginners to use.
That’s it for today, I hope these 3 tips helped with your group training workouts.
If you’d like more advanced kettlebell training knowledge, our kettlebell certifications are also available online.
Click here to become a Worldwide qualified kettlebell instructor:
Till next time!
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https://academy.dangerouslyfit.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/healthy-dinner-recipes.jpggerously Fit Academy