Short Business Description
Female personal trainer, fight coach and Kettlebell specialist based in Sydney.
Long Business Description

Fight, Lift and Move Lifestyle
I believe every human has a fighter within, and I will help you find it!
The reward of being physically active goes way beyond building a strong body! It is the best way to create a healthy mind, to lead you in life with resilience, confidence and positivity! Forging a fighter’s mind to be disciplined, to set goals and achieve them at the gym and in your life! That’s where the practice of Martial Arts, Strength training and movement translates so easily to life skills. Like a belt rank system, each color is a higher level of knowledge and ability, but also a deeper level of physical, mental and spiritual strength. I want to help you forge the strongest body and Mind through 3 Fundamentals Pillars: Fight, Lift and Move!

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
28 Camira street. 2035 Maroubra
ZIP Code
  • Timascoaching

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